We manage your portfolio based on the criteria we define together with you. We do not set our clients into pre-defined and artificial “risk categories” and therefore our Discretionary mandates are flexible and fully tailor made to your bespoke needs. We employ our quantitative asset allocation models to manage the investment decisions to make sure that the process is disciplined, objective and always in line with our promise to you
Our advice is based on decades of experience and the sophisticated investment models we use. It is transparent and independent from banks and we are not confined to traditional asset allocations or classes. Most important of all, as we do not accept commissions from third parties, you can be sure that our advice to you is always objective and made with your best interest in mind.

Target group for distribution of Amplia-managed Strategy Certificates

Target group for fund distribution 
Amplia & Co. AG (herein after called “Amplia”) website on Strategy Certificates managed by Amplia are exclusively meant for qualified investors as defined by their country of residence or incorporation. The webpage you are trying to access contains information about strategy certificates which are structured products that are not approved for distribution to non-qualified investors either in Switzerland or within the EEA area. Moreover, the information concerning the certificates is NOT INTENDED FOR PERSONS IN THE US STATES OF AMERICA OR US PERSONS OUTSIDE THE USA.

Factual nature of information, no solicitation to subscribe
The details and descriptions of the Strategy Certificates on the webpages are solely meant to provide factual information about the certificates. They do not constitute a solicitation to subscribe any of the certificates. You should only subscribe to shares of the certificates after having read the latest Swiss simplified prospectus / termsheet as well as the latest PRIIP KID (packaged retail and insurance-based investment product) as meant by MiFiD II regulation.

Investment risks
The information contained on the websites constitutes neither financial, legal or tax advice. It is to be noted that the value of your capital is at risk as the value of the certificates may rise or fall over time. Past performance is no guarantee for future returns. Furthermore, the certificates are not suitable for every investor. Therefore, we recommend that you contact your financial adviser to see if an investment in a certificate is suitable for your individual risk profile.

No guarantee and no liability
Amplia give no guarantee or assurance as to the actuality, accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the website. This is the case even though all information on the website is based on sources that we consider to be reliable and trustworthy and on which we have done careful due diligence.


We have developed means of setting up fund solutions in Luxembourg in a swift fashion with our Finnish asset management partners.
Our funds rely on a robust EU legal framework making the funds compatible with all EU jurisdictions. They provide investors with tailor-made investment strategies in a tax-efficient and cost transparent way.
Individuals, family offices and institutional clients can use Amplia’s fund platform to launch private label funds as they deem appropriate.
We work closely together with top-tier tax advisors and lawyers in Switzerland, United Kingdom, Finland and Sweden. Our overarching commitment to objectivity and transparency is an integral part of the wealth planning process. We do not accept kick-backs from our partners: we simply want you to have access to the most capable specialists, be it for tax advice or investment vehicles.
We can help you pool and safeguard your familys interests towards various custodian banks and other providers. Family office services may also be useful in connection with wealth planning: when you want to preserve your wealth for the next generation or enable your individual family members to pursue different objectives whilst keeping everything closely together.
We live in an open and mobile world and you may want to relocate from one country to another, depending on your current life situation. We at Amplia have assisted numerous families to relocate between countries and are happy to discuss your options and connect you to the best experts, should you feel the time to be right for a change of your country of residency